About Us

CV. Akor Machinery (Jawa Timur, Indonesia)

Akor Machinery is the sole agent and Authorized Dealer of the DAIHO brand engine which has provided thousands of quality products to its customers for more than 20 years. Our brand remains trusted as the best machine solution to accompany businesses and businesses in Indonesia. We provide various engines, including: Generators (Diesel, Gasoline, Welding Generators). Alternator / Dinamo / Generator, Diesel Engine, Gasoline Engine, Gasoline Generator, Water Pump, Rice Milling Unit, Polisher, Disk Mill (Flour Grinder), Soyabean Grinding Machine, Stone Crusher, Brush Cutters, Cup Sealers, etc. We also play a role as a leading Stone Crusher Agent and Genset Agent in Surabaya. For us, customers are an important key and the best partner in developing and sourcing innovation for our products. We always carry out research and development without stopping to maintain the quality of products and services on an ongoing basis.

Akor Machinery has experienced since 2000 until now always making a breakthrough to present the latest solutions in the form of quality products and services. We are constantly innovating and contributing to the development of technology for various aspects of life in the midst of the 4.0 industrial revolution that demands speed, convenience, and effectiveness. Therefore, Akor Machinery is present by prioritizing the latest technology to answer various needs for businesses and households.


Menjadi market leader di industri power equipment dan berperan sebagai pelopor pembangunan serta kemajuan masa depan Indonesia berbasis teknologi terkini berstandard internasional, hingga mampu menjadi role model bagi berbagai perusahaan lainnya.


Akor Machinery mempunyai beberapa misi guna mewujudkan visi dan memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan di bidang teknologi dan automasi. Kami senantiasa melakukan riset berbasis teknologi terkini dan menyediakan produk yang dibutuhkan masyarakat di berbagai sektor, baik pertanian, perkebunan, kelautan atau maritim, hingga keperluan proyek. Kami akan mengembangkan kualitas produk dan meningkatkan kualitas layanan secara berkesinambungan. Akor Machinery berkomitmen untuk menerima dan melakukan evaluasi serta perbaikan di setiap kritik dan saran yang konstruktif demi kemajuan teknologi Indonesia.


JL. Kembang Jepun 57 Pabean Cantikan Surabaya 60161
Jawa Timur , Indonesia


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